
As with other perennial protocols, Fuji uses Vaults to house the collateral (in ETH) which allows anyone to borrow stablecoins.

At the moment Fuji only has the following Vaults:

Vault Name



Provider borrow $DAI


Provider borrow $USDC

The following events are emitted to the console when an action is performed in Fuji's smart contract interface:


event Deposit(address indexed userAddres, address indexed asset, uint256 amount);

event Withdraw(address indexed userAddres, address indexed asset, uint256 amount);

event Borrow(address indexed userAddres, address indexed asset, uint256 amount);

event Payback(address indexed userAddres, address indexed asset, uint256 amount);


The deposit function transfers an asset into the protocol, which begins accumulating interest based on the protocol where it is deposited. The user receives an equivalent amount of ERC1155 fujiToken representing 1-to-1 the underlying collateral supplied.

function deposit(uint256 _collateralAmount) external payable;

msg.sender: The account shall supply the collateral asset, and own the newly minted Fuji tokens.

_collateralAmount: The amount of the asset to be supplied, in units of the underlying asset.

RETURN: 0 on success, otherwise an Error code

Before supplying an asset, users must first approve the Fuji tokens to access their token balance. For Vaults where ETH is provided as collateral ensure _collateralAmount is equal to the value of Ether sent in the transaction.


The withdraw function converts Fuji tokens into a specified quantity of the underlying asset and returns them to the user. The amount withdrawn must be less than the user's neededCollateral to keep their Vault healthy.

function withdraw(int256 _withdrawAmount) external;

The protocol requires the user to keep their vault's healthy factor from going under the threshold. To withdraw the full amount at the liquidation threshold pass a negative value as an argument.


The borrow function transfers an asset from the protocol to the user and creates a borrow balance which begins accumulating interest based on the Borrow Rate for the asset. The amount borrowed must be less than the user's Account Liquidity and the market's available liquidity.

To borrow Ether, the borrower must be 'payable' (solidity).

function borrow(uint256 _borrowAmount) external;

msg.sender: The account where the borrowed funds shall be transferred.

_borrowAmount: The number of Fuji tokens to be borrowed

RETURN: 0 on success, otherwise an Error code


The payback function transfers an asset into the protocol, reducing the user's borrow balance.

function payback(int256 _repayAmount) external payable;

_repayAmount The amount of ether to be repaid, in wei.

msg.sender: The account which borrowed the asset, and shall repay the balance.

RETURN: 0 on success, otherwise an Error code

Last updated